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Heilongjiang marketing training

Heilongjiang marketing training

  • Category:marketing
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  • Release time:2022-07-14 11:33:00
  • Detailed introduction

marketingMarketing, also known as marketing, marketing or marketing, market is a category of commodity economy, is a form of economic relations with the exchange of commodities as the content。For enterprises, the market is the starting point and destination of marketing activities。

Marketing is not only a function, but also an activity, process and system in which an organization creates, communicates, disseminates and delivers customer value for the benefit of itself and its stakeholders, and brings economic value to customers, clients, partners and the whole society。It mainly refers to the process of marketing personnel to carry out business activities and sales behaviors for the market。

Harbin Technical SchoolPrompt you to focus on consumer needs,Implement target marketing;Use the marketing mix,Fully meet the needs of consumers;Establish the overall product concept,Stimulate new product development,To meet the overall needs of consumers;To achieve the goal of obtaining profits by meeting the needs of consumers;The Marketing Department becomes the center of directing and coordinating the entire production and operation activities of the enterprise。

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